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Fiona Le

Senior Speech Pathologist

Hi! I’m Fiona. I’m a new speech pathologist with the Can:Do Group. Prior to starting, I had worked in a private speech practice in the northern suburbs as well as a pharmacy! I have also now been fortunate to practice (speech pathology) in clinics, hospitals, schools, homes and the community. I have found the best part of my role as a speech pathologist is being able to celebrate the wins, no matter how big or small, and sharing those moments with families.

It is amazing being able to work with, and learn from, a great team of health professionals and educators at Can:Do 4Kids. As I expand in my speechie career, I'm finding my special interests are focusing on early intervention, literacy and dyslexia, key word sign, along with group therapy and programs.

Throughout my time practicing and studying, I’d developed a love for languages and functional therapy.

When I’m not at work I love the beach, walking my dog, and playing volleyball.

Fiona Le
Senior Speech Pathologist
Bachelor of Speech Pathology

Fiona Le SML