Can:Do’s speech pathologists can work with your child to improve their communication skills, such as pronouncing sounds correctly, forming sentences, and using language appropriately in social situations.
The first five years are the most important in your child's development. That’s why it’s so important that your child encounters language or speech as soon as possible.
What does speech pathology do?
Depending on your child’s needs, our expert team of speech pathologists can provide a range of communication supports that can help with:
- Understanding instructions
- Speech clarity
- Sentence building
- Conversation and social participation
- Preschool and classroom skills
- Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC)
- Mealtime and swallowing or feeding assistance

Can:Do 4Kids offers a flexible approach to developing communication from spoken language, bilingualism, pictures, key word sign and Auslan.
Signs your child may need speech pathology
- Not using words by 18 months
- Lacking interest in playing or interacting with others by 18 months
- Not putting pairs of words together by 2yo
- Not reaching regular speech and language milestones
- Speech is challenging to understand by 3yo
- Not able to answer simple questions by 5yo
- No interest in pretend play with other children by 3yo
- Trouble with reading, listening or following instructions at school
- Trouble making friends
Assessment packages
Speech pathology assessment packages are held onsite at our Can:Do 4Kids Noarlunga office and are delivered by our qualified and experienced speech pathology team. All Can:Do 4Kids speech pathologists are certified members of Speech Pathology Australia.
To book an assessment package for your child please contact our friendly bookings team on 08 8267 9299 or email to request a copy of our assessment package intake form
Your assessment package will typically include the following:
- Pre-assessment phone call with one of our qualified speech pathologists to determine the appropriate assessment and discuss any accommodations required to support your child to engage in the assessment.
- Assessment of your child’s communication development over 2-3 sessions.
- Assessment scoring and analysis (this will be completed as an indirect service – you and your child are not required to be present).
- Comprehensive written report detailing the assessment outcomes, functional impact, general support strategies, clinical recommendations and funding recommendations
Your assessment package may involve assessment of one or more of the following areas, depending on your child’s needs:
- Speech - ‘how your child says sounds and/or words’
- Language - ‘the use of words, sentences, or the understanding of these’
- Literacy - ‘reading and/or spelling’
- Problem solving