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At 15, Adeline’s life is just getting started and looks bright!

At 15, Adeline’s life is just getting started and looks bright!

This year's Dinner in the Dark client speech will be delivered by Adeline Roe. 

Securing Adeline as guest speaker brings us full circle, right back to 2014 when it was Adeline’s parents, Amy and Adrian Roe, shared their story with us. It’s particularly exciting considering her selection in the Australian Blind Cricket Women’s squad for the 2023 World Games.

Current Fundraising Lead for Can:Do 4Kids, Lauren Pike says, “We are extremely excited, as much as proud, of Adeline’s achievements and her personal journey. It is a thrill watching her excel at everything she does.”

Adeline says, “We (her and her mum) both feel a strong connection with Can:Do 4Kids because they have given me so much over the past 15 years and helped me become the woman I am today. Can:Do 4Kids has helped me from before I can remember, to become the independent young woman I am. I am forever grateful for the life skills they have assisted me to build, I look forward to continuing to grow together and helping Can:Do 4Kids reach out to more families for support.”

“For the dinner, I will be following in the footsteps of the woman I admire most, my mum.”

“I am fifteen years old and live with my Mother Amy, father Adrian and sister Alex. I’m very passionate about blind cricket and play for Blind Cricket SA; I enjoy going to the gym, particularly focusing on strength and conditioning for cricket and everyday life. I like to go on runs with my sister, we’re competitive but keep it fun; I like to watch movies and tv shows with my family; I also really enjoy listening to music and reading.”

Adeline was diagnosed with Cone Dystrophy at six months old.

Cone dystrophy can cause a variety of symptoms including decreased visual clarity (acuity), decreased colour perception (dyschromatopsia), and increased sensitivity to light (photophobia). This condition is caused by a change in the genetic material (DNA) and prognosis is variable. There is no cure. Treatment may include using tinted lenses or dark sunglasses in bright environments and magnifying devices to assist in reading and other similar activities.

Adelaide explains, “Cones are part of your retina and help people to see in the day, they also assist with fine vision and colour vision and this affects my overall visual acuity and means my colour vision is very limited. I also have photophobia, meaning that bright light conditions can reduce my vision to zero.”

“I’m told that I had many more appointments with Ophthalmologists and Neurologists for Electroretinograms (ERG’s) to measure my retina function. These were conducted under standard conditions and also under anaesthetic at ages under one and then again at three. When I was diagnosed with Cone Dystrophy, the Ophthalmologist recommended the services of Can:Do 4Kids to my parents, which we are truly grateful for to this day.”

“I can remember supporting my Mum and dad with their many fundraising activities for Can:Do 4Kids, even participating in the City-Bay with Can:Do 4Kids since before I can remember (my first time was while I was in a pram!). We even ran a few quiz nights which were fun.”

Lauren says, “Over the years we have heard so many inspiring speakers, all sharing their journeys with us. We are thrilled that Adeline can be with us again and share her life experience in person with her family supporting her.”

The stories will continue, as our work continues.

Blind Adeline Roe Dinner in the Dark Guest