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It's a Can:Do tech future

It's a Can:Do tech future

“Assistive Technology helps me in every aspect of my life” says Can:Do client, Adeline, “with the help of products such as a Monocular, Apple iPhone, Apple watch, Apple iPad Pro and Optelec handheld magnifier. With these tools I am able to lead an independent life; I can watch a movie on the big screen, attending the theatre and concerts, read for enjoyment and travel on public transport just like my friends. I am grateful for the advancements in technologies available and the training I have received via Can:Do.”

Each child is one of a kind, and so are our services. When you have a child with hearing, vision or other developmental challenges, it can feel overwhelming – especially given all the new information, health professionals, and appointments and tests to cope with. Let alone the technology to assist with all of that (and the cost)! We know outcomes are better when a holistic approach is taken to supporting children and young people with disability, however tech support adds heaps of value. 

Have you ever tried walking with your eyes closed? It’s a little like eating blindfolded! How much harder does this feel? 

A child’s visual system is one of the last sensory systems to develop fully but plays a role in ensuring the proper development of many other sensory systems. To ensure we can continue our life-changing support and services; that every child who is blind or has vision loss that comes to us is equipped with the best technology that helps to build critical independence, we’d like to go one step further with you tonight. 

Can:Do 4Kids do not receive funding to purchase critical assistive technology items that can make such an impact in the lives of a child with vision loss. These items come at a cost to us with some, in excess of $5,000 per item. 

We rely on the support from our community to help us purchase these life-changing items. And we need your help.

Make an Impact. Become a Tech Buddy today

Why is Technology so important for our clients?

Advancements in assistive technology over the years have removed barriers in a world set up for full vision and have enabled children with vision loss to build the foundational skills they require to develop, go to school and lead an independent life; just like every other child.

For visually able people, the development stages such as learning to walk, talk and self-care skills such as eating and dressing are mastered in our early years. However, for a child who is born blind or with low vision learning these skills for the first time, there are additional barriers in place that make these fundamental development skills harder to achieve.

When our visual system is impaired, fine and gross motor, balance, and self-care skills often take longer to master and other sensory systems need to be relied on. Alongside hearing, vision is responsible for up to 90% of learning during a child’s first year of life.

In the early stages of development, tools like Resonance Boards and Little Rooms create a secure environment for children with vision loss. These resources help them gain confidence in purposeful movements, leading to sensory experiences and overall development. The impact of these tools on families is significant. By incorporating acoustically responsive toys, they provide immediate feedback to the child with every movement.

As children grow older, Optical Glass Magnifiers become valuable assets for clinicians to assess and evaluate their vision. These magnifiers aid in determining the optimal level of magnification for reading and using technology devices such as iPads and mobile phones.

How you can help

In the 2023/2024 financial year, our aim is to raise $50,000 to help change the lives of our clients and ensure that every child with vision loss who comes to us receives the best technology support to lead an independent life.

We aim to purchase equipment such as:

  • Resonance Boards
  • Little Room Equipment including play bars and acoustically responsive toys
  • Eschenbach magnification kits including optical handheld magnifiers
  • Telescopes and Monocular
  • Portable electronic magnifiers such as the Clover Book Pro and View
  • Braille Touchpoint

We are asking for your commitment to become a part of the Can:Do family. By securing one of the x50 packages valued at $1,000 each you will become a Tech Buddy. You will help to change the life of a child living with vision loss.

Make an impact – become a tech buddy and help us create a life of independence without barriers for our Can:Do kids. It’s a Can:Do tech future! 

Become a Tech Buddy today

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