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Meet Jeremy – The Power of Speech

Meet Jeremy – The Power of Speech

Eight-year-old Jeremy has been part of the Can:Do 4Kids family since soon after he was born.

Having been diagnosed with hearing loss at a young age, Jeremy has always worked hard to improve his speech and listening skills, and has never let anything stop him from doing what he loves. Jeremy recently took time out of his busy schedule to meet with us and share more about him.

Jeremy enjoys riding his bike and playing with his older sister. He has also begun playing soccer at school this year and likes playing all the positions but loves to kick goals as a striker. When asked about what he thinks his strengths are, he said:

“I’m smart because I’m good at maths. I also like to be friendly and nice to people.”

When Jeremy grows up he wants to become a mechanic because he loves cars, boats and bikes, and learning how they work. He enjoys practicing his craft by building Lego.

“Not long ago I built a Lego truck. Dad only helped me a little and then I did the rest by myself. I made it so the wheels can turn, the doors open and it has an engine.”

Jeremy currently accesses Listening and Spoken Language Therapy and has been engaged in many Can:Do 4Kids group programs such as Tiny Tots, Music Matters, Talking Buddies.

At the end of 2019, he also graduated from our Bright Start program, fully equipped and prepared to start school with his peers.

Jeremy, who continues to attend group programs, shares what he likes most about them:

“My favourite thing that I like about the groups is getting to meet new friends. My friends at school don’t have the same issues that I have but my friends here are the same as me so it makes me feel good.”

Thanks to the support he has received, Jeremy feels confident to advocate not only for himself but other children just like him, who are living with hearing loss.

He has passionately taken on board a role as an official Can:Do 4Kids Loud Shirt Day ambassador this year and confidently describes what Loud Shirt Day means to him:

“I really like Loud Shirt Day because everything is so bright and fun and because we raise money for kids like me.”

He also offers some advice to help spread awareness and learn more about kids with hearing challenges;

”If you meet someone like me with hearing aids or cochlear implants, don’t be afraid to ask questions because we’re happy to answer them and help people learn.”

Jeremy is excited to show off his hard work, so, as this year’s “Power of Speech” nominee, he will attend the public speaking event at Parliament House in Canberra. “Power of Speech” brings together nominees from Listening and Spoken Language centres in Australia and New Zealand to celebrate the progress and achievements of our primary-school aged clients, and to challenge the perceptions of what children with hearing loss can achieve. Jeremy will be presenting a speech about his cochlear implants to the Governor-General, Prime Minister, Federal Ministers and other special guests this September.

Amazing outcomes such as this are not possible without your kind support. Please help more children like Jeremy reach their goals by filling out the enclosed form today.

Read full story here

Jeremy The Power of Speech