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Alice Carr

Senior Lead Speech Pathologist

Hi, I’m Alice. As a Senior Lead Speech Pathologist for Can:Do 4Kids, I love working in the early intervention space with my special interest area, ASD, while broadening my own knowledge working with children with hearing loss and vision impairment.

My passion is to continue educating myself on neurodiversity affirming practices ie embracing our differences in abilities and how we all interact with the world around us. Additionally, working with parents and the child’s family and support networks to achieve the best outcomes for our clients is of utmost importance across our organisation and I appreciate this in our #candoattitude.

While I have my longest experience in Adelaide and rural South Australia, I am grateful to have spent 3 years in the UK working in schools, developing my knowledge around AAC (Alternative and Augmentative Communication) and early intervention practices. This enabled me to broaden my knowledge and ‘therapy toolkit’.

Due to my training, I use a lot of key word sign in my therapy. I am thrilled to be learning AUSLAN, further extending my skills in communicating with those with hearing loss. I thrive on therapy wins – for example a win can be when a child starts to take turns in an activity, or starts to share attention in a game, or initiates play. Additionally, I love watching children explore various means to communicate and witnessing them learn to make requests and communicate with those around them, whether this is verbally, through sign, through AAC or other means.

Outside of work you’ll find me gardening or cooking in the company of my cat!

Alice Carr Portrait Sml2