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Owen and Darcy Continue to Flourish

Owen and Darcy Continue to Flourish

Owen and Darcy, whose stories we shared in May as part of our tax-time appeal, have achieved some incredible milestones in a short space of time.

Perhaps the biggest news of all, is that the identical twins turned four in July.

They are obsessed with trains – especially train crossings – so, of course, they had a train cake and train rides at the Miniature Railway to celebrate their special day.

Owen and Darcy’s language development has continued to thrive, with great improvements in both self-advocacy and connecting with others, as mum, Holly describes:

“They are starting to advocate for themselves which has been such an amazing achievement. They are using words like ‘I’, ‘me’ and ‘you’ now instead of their names. They will say sentences like ‘I want’ or ‘Can I have’. As a mum, witnessing that growth has made me overwhelmed with pride and joy. People in our lives are also finding Owen and Darcy easier to understand when they interact which makes the boys so happy.”

They continue to love their therapy with Listening and Spoken Language Specialist, Molly and even refer to their sessions as ‘Molly School’ because they cannot wait to go to school like their older brothers.

Every week, the boys find new interests to challenge themselves with and their latest hobby is one that will certainly help them in their lead up to school.

“They have started to get into writing, albeit just scribbles at this stage, but they were never interested before so I’m excited to see where it goes.”

We are incredibly proud of how far Owen and Darcy have come and are so excited to be part of their journey.

Owen and Darcy Continue to Flourish